Hinduwebsite.com - Featured Essays
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The Yogachara School of Buddhism, Philosophy and Concepts
This is about the Yogachara School of Buddhism, its essential Philosophy, history, and Concepts and implications for Nirvana
The Meaning and Significance of Pravritti and Nivritti
The meaning and significance of Prvritti and Nivritti with specific references from the Bhagavadgita
The Six Enemies on the Path of Liberation
The six vices that are obstacles to liberation, peace, and happiness are Kama, Krodha, Moha, Mada, Matsarya, and Lobha
Ashtavakra Samhita Translation and Commentary - Index
Original Translation and Commentary of the Ashtavakra Gita or Samhita by Jayaram V, which contains the Advaita Philosophy. Presented here as a continuing Series. Read the Latest, Chapter 10, Verse 1 - 4
The Roots of Atheism in Hinduism
This essay traces the historical roots of atheism in Hinduism as a counter the established Vedic tradition.
Prana and its Connection with Karma and Dharma
In this essay, we explain what Prana means and its connection with Karma, Dharma, and Creation.
Entering Your Expansive Awareness
You may have a form, but the sense of “I am” in you has no form, no shape, no limits. You have consciousness, but it is mixed up with many thoughts, feelings, emotions, desires, attachments, and so on. What happens if you silence them all and become still?
What is the Significance of Shiva Jagarana on Maha Shivaratri?
Why do devotees of Lord Shiva observe jagarana, all-night-vigil, on Maha Shivaratri day? What is its purpose?
What is the Purpose of Rituals in Hinduism?
This essay discusses the central purpose of rituals and sacrifices in Hinduism
What is Nitya Karma or an Obligatory Duty?
This essay defines and explains the meaning of Obligatory duties such as Nitya Karmas or Daily Sacrifices according to the Bhagavadgita and how they are different from other actions
Atha Yoga Anushashanam - Yoga Chirtta Vritti Nirodha
A brief commentary by Jayaram V on the First and Second Sutras of Patanjali's Yoga Sutras. Atha Yoga Anushashanam - Yoga Chirtta Vritti Nirodha
Hinduism and the Concept of Absolute Reality
The Absolute Reality of Brahman does not manifest or incarnate or assume any form or state. It may remain hidden in things and beings or manifestations or pervade all but is always formless, unchanging, indivisible, beyond the mind and body, without duality or modes. This may confuse some since the Upanishads contain descriptions of Brahman as the manifested (sambhuta) and unmanifested (asambhuta)...
Which one is better? Jnana Yoga or Bhakti Yoga?
All paths lead to liberation (Moksha). The Bhagavadgita offers many approaches, especially Karma, Jnana, Sannyasa, and Bhakti Yogas. It also combines aspects of these into an integrated approach. Which of them is better?
The True Meaning and Practice of Ahimsa or Nonviolence
This essay explains the true meaning and practice of ahimsa or nonviolence and the difficulties in practicing it.
What is the True Meaning of Brahmacharya?
Find out the true meaning of Brahmacharya and why it is an imporant aspect of yoga practice
This is about the life and work of the Vedic seer, Sage Atri, who is credited with composing several hymns in the Rigveda and other Vedas
Sat and Asat, What is the Difference?
The meaning and the difference between Sat and Asat, which are mentioned in the Upanishads and Bhagavadgita, is explained in this article"
The True Meaning of Samkhya Yoga in the Bhagavadgita
This essay explains Why the second chapter of the Bhagavadgita is called Samkhya Yoga and what it truly means
What is Naishkarmya Siddhi? How Is It Attained?
This essay explains the meaning and significance of Naishkarmya Siddhi in the Bhagavadgita and how it is attained.
Who Should or Should Not be Taught the Bhagavadgita?
This essay explains why teachers should not initiate people who possess certain negative traits into the study of the Bhagavadgita or reveal to them its secrets
Four Unique Facts About Hinduism
Find out four unique facts about Hinduism, the most ancient continuing and living religion of the world practiced by over a billion people in the world.
How old is Hinduism or Hindu Santana Dharma? Is it is just 200 years old and was created by the British as some people like to argue?
Fish Eating and the Hindu Ethical Code of Conduct
Find out what Manusmriti has to say about eating fish and why this advice is relevant in today’s world where many fish species are on the verge of extinction.
How Evil Nature Manifests in Humans
How Evil Nature (asura pravritti) manifests in Humans according to the teachings of the Bhagavadgita
The Four Stages of Creation or Manifestation
This essay describes how creation or objective reality manifest from Para Vak or pure consciousness in four stages according to the Tantra traditions of Shaivism
Why Material Things Are Shunned by Spiritual People?
This essay explains why material things are shunned or renounced by spiritual people who seek liberation or moksha
Why the World is Unreal or an Illusion? The Advaita Concept
In this essay the author explains why the world is an illusion or unreal from the perspective of the Advaita philosophy of Hinduism.
Present Moment is the Only Reality
Present moment is the only reality you will ever experience. Everything else is just a mental formation.
Old Age Problems and Their Solutions
Old age is one of the most difficult phases of human life. This essay is about the problems faced by old people and how to deal with old age problems.
Consciousness of Self and Not-self in Buddhism and Hinduism
Similarities and differences in the consciousness theories of Buddhism and Hinduism with regard to the pure Self and the not-self.
Symbolism of Agni as Brahman, The Supreme Self
In this essay we have presented Agni, the Primal God of Fire, the Most Ancient Deity and the First God in Vedic Sacrifices as Brahman, the Universal God, and the Source of All
How consciousness arises in natural states, what purposes it serves and how it is different from intelligence.
Vajrayana, The Journey of Emptiness
Understanding Vajra, the essence of emptiness and indestructibility and Vajrayana as the vehicle or the journey of emptiness.
Consciousness According to Hinduism and Buddhism
A comparative study of the meaning and significance of consciousness in Hinduism and Buddhism and how the theories regarding consciousness influence their beliefs and practices
A Working Definition of Consciousness
A broader definition of consciousness. What consciousness means, what consciousness is and how it can be distinguished from other information systems.
The Concept of Sahaja Vidya in Trika or Kashmiri Shaivism
A brief essay on the meaning and significance of Sahaja Vidya according to the Shiva Sutras which forms the basis for Trika Shaivism or Kashmiri Shaivism.
The Meaning and Purpose of Life
Is there a meaning and purpose to life? Are we born to serve certain aims? Find out how we can make our lives meaningful and purposeful?
What is the Purpose of Yoga in Today's World?
The author answers an important question regarding the true purpose of yoga.
Seven Principles to Achieve Success In Any Task
The author offers seven practical principles to achieve success in any task, project or field
Secret Knowledge of Mantras and Their Purpose
The Mantra tradition is the heart of Hinduism. Find out unknown facts and hidden secrets of the mantras and their true purpose in Hindu ritual and spiritual practices.
Twelve Great Sayings of Hinduism
Find here the meaning with a brief explanation of twelve well-known Sanskrit sayings or statements from Hindu texts, which reflect the core beliefs and practices of Hinduism
Three Important Virtues to Achieve Mastery
Three important virtues or requirements which are traditionally practiced in Hinduism to improve learning, excel in in any subject or achieve success in any field
Brihaspati or Brahmanaspati, The Divine Priest
A brief account of Brihaspati, or Brahmanaspati, the divine priest, teacher and counselor of gods, and a warrior deity
A Comparative Study of Yoga and Advaita
Find out the main differences and similarities between Yoga and Advaita schools of Hinduism.
Bhrigu, the Sage Who Cursed Brahma and Shiva
This essay is about sage Bhrigu, the mind born son of Brahma, one of the seven seers (sapta rishis) and Prajapatis.
Three Duties That are Common to All
Three Duties which are common and obligatory to all human beings and which constitutes universal Dharma in Hinduism.
The Difference Between Good and Evil
Find out why some people are pure evil and how evil manifests in creation. Can evil exist at all in Isvara, the Supreme Being.
What is the Importance of Going on Pilgrimages
The author explains why people should go on pilgrimages, visit temples, worship gods or engage in charity or such other pious actions.
The historical names of Bharat, India
Historical names of India and the Indian subcontinent or the names by which India was known in other parts of the world
The Meaning and Concept of Ananta or Infinity in Hinduism
This essay is about the meaning and concept of Ananta or infinity in Hinduism with special reference to Adishesha or Anantashesha, the celestial serpent.
Speech According to the Upanishads
The Upanishads recognize speech as an aspect of the Supreme Brahman. This essay presents the references found in the Upanishads about the significance of speech the ritual and spiritual aspects of Hinduism.
This essay examines the importance of speech in Hinduism, and whether it approves free speech or unrestrained speech.
How the Upanishads Were Introduced to the World
This is a brief introduction to how the Upanishads which were considered secret knowledge became introduced to the world
Why the Upanishads are Considered Secret Knowledge?
The Upanishads played an important role in the development of Hinduism. This essay explores why the knowledge of the Upanishads was kept secret in the Vedic period and until recent times
Find Your Ideal Self, Your inner Guru, Guide and Mentor
This essays suggests a simple approach to knowing yourself and becoming established in your ideal self for guidance and awakening.
The Five Yamas (Restraints) of Ashtanga Yoga
Find out the meaning, concept and significance of the five yamas (restraints) in the classical Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali.
What Is the Significance of Deer Skin in Meditation?
An examination of the reasons why yogis used deer skin for sitting during meditation and yoga practice
The Place and Purpose of Bhakti in the Bhagavadgita
This essay analyzes the importance and purpose of bhakti or devotion in the Bhagavadgita.
The Meaning and Concept of Karma Yoga
This essay explains the meaning and concept of karma yoga, jnana karma-sannyasa yoga and karma sannyasa yoga according to the Vedic tradition and its historical connection with the Mimansa philosophy
What is the Spiritual Significance of Maha Shivaratri?
This essay is about the true spiritual significance of Maha Shivaratri, the popular Hindu festival.
Idealism and Pragmatism in Hinduism
This essay presents aspects of idealism and pragmatism in various philosophical systems of Hinduism
Karma Yoga and Karma Sannyasa Yoga Compared
This article explains the distinction between karma yoga and karma sannyasa yoga in the context of the Bhagavadgita.
Idealism in Hinduism An Overview
This is a comprehensive essay on idealism in Hinduism from various perspectives, with specific reference to Vedanta.
Loving What You Do or Doing What You Love
If you want to be successful and achieve peace and happiness in your life through work or a career, you must either like what you do or do what you like. Most people cannot choose what they like and have to settle with what life or circumstances offer them. In such an event, they have to develop a liking for whatever that life and circumstances offer them or force them to accept.
The Meaning and Concept of Sat in Hinduism
This essay is about the meaning and concept of Sat or Sath, the Supreme Truth or Reality of Brahman.
Five Important Lessons From Life
Here are a few important lessons your can learn about life from observation and experience
Cultivating Advancing Personality Traits and Mindset
This essay is about the traits of an advancing personality and how you may cultivate them
A Simple and Spiritual Way to Control Your Weight
A simple and unique formula based on three ancient Indian spiritual virtues to gain control over the mind and senses and control overeating and excess weight.
Tantra in the Early Vedic Tradition
This essay traces the origin and aspects of tantra in early Vedic tradition which is one of the oldest traditions of Hinduism
The Meaning and Concept of Tantra in Hinduism
Find out the meaning and concept of tantra, with a brief description of the main beliefs, practices and essential features of the tantric traditions in Hinduism.
Sadhana Panchakam, Translation and Commentary, Chapter 1
English Translation of Sadhana Panchakam, the fivefold spiritual practice, of Shankaracharya with commentary by Jayaram V
Karma, Akarma and Vikarma According to the Bhagavadgita
This essay explains the meaning of karma, akarma and vikarma, action, inaction and wrong action according to the Bhagavadgita
12 Great Emperors of Ancient India
Find here a brief description of the history of 12 great rulers of ancient India who played a significant role in shaping its history and destiny
The Shramanas and Shramanic Traditions
This article is about Shramanas, the ascetic and renunciant traditions of ancient India, known as Shramanic traditions who practiced extreme asceticism and austerities.
In a broader sense the practice of jhanas is a transformative, renunciatory practice only in which you ultimately renounce and empty the mind to overcome the turbulence of the mind.
Advaita Vedanta Philosophy, Concepts and Practice
A comprehensive essays on the essential philosophy, major concepts, principles and practice of Advaita Vedanta or the school of nondualism in Hinduism
The Social Aspect of Dealing With Liberated Beings
This essay examines the social aspect of desirelessness and how in real life situation people may deal with those who conquer their desires.
This essay lists the benefits of mindfulness practice which can be practiced by both spiritual and secular people.
Adibuddha in the Kalachakra Tantra of Vajrayana Buddhism
This essay presents descriptions of Adibuddha as found in the Kalachakra Tantra of Vajrayana Buddhism
Shiva Sutras, The Aphorisms of Shiva
English Translation of Shiva Sutras, the Aphorisms of Shiva Translated by Jayaram V, published. Reproduced from the book by same title, Publshed April 2020
Meaning and Concept of Sveccha Or Freedom in Hinduism
Find out what sveccha or freedom truly means in Hinduism from a spiritual perspective and how to attain true freedom or eternal and absolute freedom
This essay explains a few spiritual practices of Shaivism to attain the pure consciousness of the self or oneness with Shiva in wakeful and dream states also.
Akshara, the Secret Power of the Mantras
This essay explains the meaning of akshara and its importance in knowing the secret of the mantras and their power (shakti) in the ritual and spiritual practices of Hinduism
10 Ways to Overcome Irrational Thoughts About Corona Virus
Corona Virus, Covid-19 has caused widespread fear and panic in many countries. In this essay we discuss 10 irrational thoughts about Corona Virus.
Can a Guru Participate in Worldly Activities?
A guru is an enlightened master who renounces family ties and attachments to worldly things. In this essay, we examine whether a guru who renounced the world can participate in worldly activities.
Honoring a Guest (Athidhi) in Hindu Ethical Code of Conduct
This essay explains the tradition, reasons and justification behind the social practice of honoring guests (Athidhi) in Hinduism
Meaning and concept of Asat in Hinduism
"The meaning and concept of Sat and Asat (real and unreal) in Hinduism is explained
The Vaishesika Theory of Nonexistence
What is nonexistence, asat? This essay briefly presents a critical analysis of the Vaishesika theory of the four types of nonexistence
Are Soul and Atman (Self) the Same?
The essay explains the subtle difference between soul and Atman or the Self of Hinduism.
Contemplation Upon Dukkha or Suffering
This essay provides an insight into the nature of Dukkha or suffering from the Buddhist perspective, which is helpful to cope with suffering with equanimity and detachment.
The First Noble Truth of Dukkha in Buddhism
A detailed explanation of the First Noble Truth of Dukkha and its four associate truths which will help develop a proper understanding of how suffering is inbuilt in our very minds and bodies and how we are predisposed to experience suffering.
Defending Hindu Dharma, The Warrior’s Path
This essay is about Kshatriya Dharma in today's context or how one how one may defend Hinduism or Hindu Dharma the right way on the warrior's path, without indulging in verbal or physical violence.
The story of Ahalya, the wife of sage Gautama and her significance and symbolism as a female archetype in Hinduism.
Truths of Existence - The Second Universal Law
This is the second universal law of existence. There is nothing that we can create anew. We only become aware of and recreate what is already present.
Four Paths to Practice Dharma in Hinduism
Find here the four paths of Dharma or the four methods of practicing Hinduism according to the original Hindu caste system.
How to Access Silence in You and Around You?
Noise is temporary. Silence is continuous and universal. You can become aware of it through meditation and mindfulness.
How to Practice Silence in Everyday Life?
The practice of silence has many advantages. By silence we mean both physical and mental silence. Find out the best ways to practice silence in the comforts of your home.
Why Brahman is not worshipped in Hinduism?
Brahman is the highest God of Hinduism. Yet he is not ritually worshipped. The author explains the reasons.
How Brahman is worshipped in Hinduism?
Brahman is the highest supreme reality who is extolled in the Upanishads. He is not ritually worshipped. This essay explains the right way to worship Brahman on the path of liberation.
Truths of Existence - The First Law
The First Law of Existence: All knowing is a kind of discovery of the knowledge which is already inherent in the universe either as a reality or a possibility or an idea, which may be known, unknown or yet to be known.
Eight Fundamental Truths of Existence
Here are eight fundamental truths of existence regarding the universe, knowledge, life, etc., for the discerning minds.
The Ten Incarnations of Lord Vishnu
The incarnations of Vishnu are meant to uphold and protect dharma. Find here ten important incarnations of Lord Vishnu, and few others which are included in the list
Is Mahabharata About Bharat or India?
This essay explores what the epic Mahabharata is all about, the true meaning of Mahabharata and whether it is about Bharat or India.
Is Buddhism a Copy of Hinduism?
A historical review of the relationship between Hinduism and Buddhism and how their core concepts and beliefs evolved in the past
Buddhism Vs. Hinduism Compared and Contrasted
Find here a comparative analysis of 20 Common beliefs and concepts of Buddhism and Hinduism.
Ten Ways in Which Karma Affects Our Lives
Here are ten most important implications of karma, or how it affects our lives in beneficent and transformative ways.
The Concept of Ajnana, Ignorance in Hinduism
This essay is about the meaning and concept of Ajnana or ignorance in Hinduism in contrast to Jnana or knowledge.
Ajnana, the School of Skepticism in Ancient India
A brief history of the school of skeptics known as Ajnanis of ancient India, who doubted and refuted all metaphysical knowledge.
How Isvara Manifests in Different Worlds
This essays explains how diversity arises and the divine power of Isvara manifests in creation in different worlds, from the highest to the lowest
Brahman as the Highest and the Purest Reality
Brahman is an incorporeal deity. As the highest, the purest and the ultimate reality (brihat-tattvam), he shines in all the best, brightest and sacred manifestations of creation
The Five Duties of God in Hinduism
The duties of God or Isvara are many since he is the ultimate creator and source of all. However, they can be grouped into five universal functions or duties.
Free will is divine will only. The duality between them is an illusion. Free will becomes divine will to the extent we surrender to God or Isvara.
Rape and Sexual Violence in Hinduism
Find out the scriptural basis of what Hinduism has to say about sexual violence and rape against married and unmarried women.
Asteya, the Virtue of Non-Stealing
his essay is about the meaning and significance of asteya or non-stealing, an important restraints or vow practiced in Hinduism, Buddhism and Jainism for liberation.
The Concept of Anatma in Hinduism
This essay is about the meaning and concept anatma or anatta in Hinduism and how it differs from that of Buddhism.
Maharishi Atri, A Great Sage of Hinduism
About the Hindu Sage named Atri, who is one of the seven great sages (Saptarishis) of Hinduism of the Vedic period
How Reality Manifests in Creation
This essay describes the methods by which reality manifests in creation according to Hindu scriptures, and how you can improve your creative and manifesting power in daily life
Creation According to Hinduism
In this essay, we will discuss how Hinduism views creation and what we can learn from it about ourselves and our existence.
Lord Shiva as Isvara, the Manifested Brahman
In Shaivism Lord Shiva is considered Brahman. In his manifested aspect, Shiva is Isvara, lord of creation in inseparable union with Shakti, his dynamic force.
Find here a few notable facts the significance of Shiva Lingam, the symbolic representation of Shiva and Shakti, in Hindu ritual and spiritual practices
Shiva Lingam Symbolic Significance
This essay is about the meaning, history and symbolic significance of Shiva Lingam
The Bright and the Dark Paths of the Bhagavadgita
What happens to the souls who depart from here? The Bhagavadgita provides some answers about death and liberation in chapter 8. They are discussed in this essay.
The Not Self Advantage in Buddhist Practice
The not-self (anatta or anatma) concept is central to all teachings of Buddhism. In this essay the author presents its spiritual implications in the practice of the Buddhist Dharma on the Eightfold Path.
Knowing People Behind the Masks They Wear
People wear masks all the time when they deal with others. If you want to know them, you have to look through the masks to know the truth about them
10 Ways to Achieve Self-healing
You can heal your mind and body. Here are ten simple self-healing techniques which are easy to practice.
12 Important Questions About Hinduism
Find answers to 12 most important questions about Hinduism, which every Hindu must know.
Yoga is a purification and transformative process. There are four concurrent processes in it. They are discussed in this essay.
Qutations on Buddhism by BuddhaVac, Year 2016
Find here quotations on the teachings of the Buddha by Buddhavac from the year 2016.
Life’s important lessons and advise for young people for their guidance and success
Why do Hindus worship images? Is there a deeper meaning to it or any spiritual relevance?
Creating a Purpose Driven Life
This essay is about the immportance of creating a purpose driven life for success, peace and happiness
The Difference Between Purpose and Goals
Find out the relationship and difference between goals and purpose, and how important they are to create the life you want to lead.
A Short History of Indian Medical Science
Find out surprising facts about the history of Indian medical system and how it influenced medical practices in other countries in Europe and elsewhere
The Rise and Fall of Ancient Indian Surgery
Shalya or Surgery is one of the eight branches of Ayurveda. This essay is about the history of surgery and surgical procedures and implements used in ancient India
Gods and Humans: The Right Way to Worship Our Gods
Find out the right way to worship gods and seek their help in our daily lives to realize our material and spiritual goals or perform our duties.
What is the Truth About Shiva's Essential Nature?
What is the truth about Shiva's essential nature and his association with tamas guna or tamo guna
Change your Life by Changing from Within
If you want to improve your life or succeed in any venture, begin by knowing, changing and improving yourself
The Meaning of Vedanta and Siddhanta Explained
What is the difference between Siddhanta and Vedanta? Find out their purpose and meaning in Hinduism, Yoga, philosophy and spiritual practice.
The Nature of Spiritual Experience
Why do we have spiritual experiences? Find out the true nature of spiritual experiences. Why they arise and who is truly responsible for them.
Action and Inaction in Spiritual Life
This essay is about the symbolism of the body as a true Bhagavata or God's servant, and how the ideal of karma sannyasa yoga is hidden in the working of the human body
Symbolic Significance of Maha Shivaratri
In this essay we discuss the spiritual and symbolic significance of Maha Shivaratri, one of the popular festivals of Hinduism.
Why do people fast on the day of Maha Shivarathri?
Find out why people observe fasting on Maha Shivaratri and why they remain awake and keep a vigil (jagaranam) in the night.
Find out what Hinduism has to say about wars, whether wars and violence are justified in Hinduism, and if so in what context
Is God in Hinduism Male or Female?
This essay is about the essential nature and gender identity of God or the Supreme Being in Hinduism.
This essay is about gender equality in Hinduism, how men and women are perceived and treated in Hindu culture and society.
The world according to Hinduism
This essay describes the symbolism, significance and associated beliefs and descriptions of the world according to the tenets of Hinduism.
This essay is about the meaning and symbolic significance of Shiva Lingam
Shiva the Unconventional God of Opposites
This essay explains complex unique nature of Shiva, the auspicious god of Hinduism and why he does not easily fit into our conventional norms and notions.
The Symbolism of Purusha and Prakriti
Find out the Symbolic significance of Purusha and Prakriti (God and Nature) in Hinduism.
This essay is about pure consciousness, which is the essential nature of the Self or Soul, what it means and how it is different from the ego consciousness.
The Ten Amazing Benefits of Pilgrimages in Hinduism
Are pilgrimages truly beneficial? Find out the ten amazing benefits of pilgrimages in the ritual and spiritual practices of Hinduism.
Simple Spirituality - Keep it Simple
Spiritual practice does not have to be hard. Keep your aims simple. Aim for peace rather than Nirvana.
Significance of Tirtha Yathra or Pilgrimages in Hinduism
This essay is about the meaning, concept and significance of Tirth Yathra or Pilgrimages in Hinduism.
Faith or Shraddha in the Practice of Hinduism
This essay is about the importance of faith or shraddha the religious and spiritual practice of Hinduism as described in the Bhagavadgita and Upanishads.
Moksha or Liberation in Hinduism
This essay explains what liberation or Moksha means in Hinduism and the four spiritual paths (margs) or systems (yogas) to achieve it.
Six Common Critical Mistakes Which We Make
Find here six common and critical mistakes which people make due to ignorance or errors in thinking and perception.
A Broad Strategy for Lifelong Weight Loss
The effort to lose weight should be part of a broad strategy to lead a healthy and active life so that it can be pursued and sustained as a lifelong goal.
What is the Rational or Scientific Basis of Karma?
This essay is a rational and scientific inquiry into the working of karma to see whether it can be validated by any proof found in the functioning of our minds and bodies.
This essay is about the problem of clinging or attachments and the best way or attitude to deal with it in worldly life.
Follow Your Natural Rhythm for Success and Happiness
This essay is about establishing inner harmony with your natural rhythm to be in the flow of life for success and fulfillment.
What Lessons Can We Learn from Wars?
This essay is about five important lessons we can learn from wars and how they affect our lives at personal and psychological levels.
How to Deal with Unresolved Conflicts
This essay is about conflict resolution, and how to deal with unresolved conflicts before they end up causing further problems.
The Ultimate Source of Success in Business
The essay is about the ultimate source of success and prosperity in any field especially business.
Cultivating the Attitude of Renunciation
This essay is about cultivating the attitude of renunciation (sanyasa) in everyday life
Common Cognitive Distortions in Daily Life
Find here 15 common cognitive distortions which distort our thinking and perception
Action and Inaction in Spiritual Life
This essay is about the meaning of action and inaction in Karma and Kriya Yogas according to the Bhagavadgita and the Yoga Sutras.
An Effective Success Strategy For All Occasions
Here is an effective and practical strategy to achieve success in completing your tasks or reaching your goals.
Spiritual Approach to the Problem of Stress
This essay explains how certain spiritual methods and approaches of Yoga, can be used to free the mind and body from physical and mental stress for peace and tranquility.
10 Reasons Why You Should Eat Vegetarian Food
Find here ten reasons why you should try vegetarian food rather meat and meat products
What is the purpose of your life?
This essay is about the purpose of human life according to the teachings of the Bhagavadgita, and why you cannot have a selfish purpose or a purpose that does not serve the larger aims of Dharma.
Human imagination mostly functions in the same way as the universe. This essay is about the power of imagination, and how it can be used along with reason and faith to improve your thinking and behavior.
Faith and Reason in the Quest For Knowledge
This essay is about the importance of faith and reason in our knowing and comprehending and leading a balanced life.
Rationalism and Hinduism, Is There a Middle Ground?
This essay is about the correlation between Hinduism and Rationalism, and how rationalist thinking has historically been recognized as an integral part of Hindu spiritual practice, philosophical inquiry and self-realization
Manifesting God in the Mortal Body
This essay explains how according to the Bhagavadgita God, who is unknowable, becomes knowable in the mortal world and the mortal body as a reflection in the purity and impurity of Nature. From the Wisdom of the Bhagavadgita Series
This essay examines whether God and Creation are the same or different according to various schools of Hinduism, and how the divine qualities manifest in Nature as described in the tenth chapter of the Bhagavadgita.
The Secret Alchemy of Abundance
The essay is about the meaning and purpose of abundance and the strategy to achieve success and happiness in life through the alchemy of abundance.
Sadhus Meaning and Significance
The Sadhus belong to the renunciant traditions of Hinduism and Jainism. Find here the meaning and significance of Sadhus, the ascetic people of India
Why Should We Offer Food to Gods Before Eating It?
We have this tradition of offering food to gods before eating it. We do the same in ritual worship (puja) as well as sacrificial worship (yajna). Why should we offer food to gods?
Pushtimarg or the Path of Pushti Bhakti
This essay is about Pushtimarg or nourishing the Self with divine love and happiness through selfless devotion to Lord Krishna, as propounded by Vallabhacharya, the founder of Shuddha Advaita
Guru Worship and Celebrity Worship
This essay compares guru worship with celebrity worship and the attitudes and behaviors associated with them.
The Three Types of Celebrity Worship
Is celebrity worship a mental abnormality? This essay is about the three sets of attitudes and behaviors associated with celebrity worship or celebrity obsession
Why People Worship Celebrities and Film Stars?
This is a comprehensive essay about celebrity worship syndrome, and why people become obsessed with celebrities, film stars and famous people.
Forgiveness According to Bhagavadgita
Forgiveness is a divine quality. The essay is about cultivating the attitude of forgiveness through spiritual transformation according to the Bhagavadgita.
Baghavadgita In Business Managment
The relevance of the Bhagavadgita to the management functions and how it can be useful to managers in their administrative and managerial duties.
What Is the Advantage of Meeting Holy Men?
This essay explains the benefits of meeting holy people, Hindu gurus, sages and seers
Ten Distinguishing Features of Buddhism
Find the ten most distinguishing features of Buddhism namely Buddha, Dharma, Sangha, four noble truths, eightfold path, nirvana, monastic code and meditation techniques.
Cultivating the Attitude of Forgiveness
The attitude of forgiveness is a culmination of spiritual practice and your inner growth. By cultivating the attitude of forgiveness, you can cultivate all other related virtues.
Buddhism is the First and the Last Scientific Religion of the World
This essay explains the uniqueness of the concept of Anatta, why Buddhism is the first and the last, scientific religion of the world, and why Buddha is a scientist cum prophet.
How to Practice Forgiveness in Daily Life
Find out how you can practice forgiveness in daily life and in different situations.
Three Self Limiting Beliefs About Money
Three self-limiting beliefs abotu money which prevent people from creating wealth
This essay is about the concept of Varna and the history and development of Varna System in Hinduism from the early Vedic period.
Sources of Abundance and Prosperity
Find out the qualities or factors that lead to abundance, peace and prosperity.
Ten Effective Ways to Improve Your Self Esteem
This essay is about self-esteem and how to build positive self-image to feel good, to be yourself and realize your true potentials, dreams and goals.
Looking Beyond the Surface of Life
Ten ways to improve the quality of your thinking, feelings, perceptions and understanding to bring deeper spiritual awareness into your daily life.
The Power of Truth in Self-awareness
This essay is about cultivating self-awareness in spiritual practice by paying attention to one’s thoughts and feelings to know truths about oneself, without cognitive distortions and self-deception.
7 Secrets of Successful People
This essay is about the seven important qualities of successful people or high achievers which set them apart
7 Major Abilities or Qualities of Leadership
This essay is about what makes good leaders and seven important abilities or qualities which lead to excellence in leadership
12 Qualities of an Influential Person
This essay is about the 12 exceptional qualities which influential people possess and how they influence others.
10 Ways to Improve Effective Communication Skills
This essay is about effective communication and how you can improve your communication skills in personal and professional life.
The Ten Foundational Pillars of Hinduism
Find out the Ten foundational Featuers of Hinduism, which are responsible for the continuity and preservation of Hinduism, making it the oldest living religion of the world.
How Do You Know What is True or False?
This essay is about Pramanas or the means used in the schools of Hinduism to validate knowledge or truth or know what is true or false
Nastika Vada or Atheism and Materialism in Hinduism and Related Religions
The essay is about the influence of the Nastika Vada or the schools of materialism and atheism of ancient India in the development of India’s major religions, especially Hinduism.
The Meaning, Significance and Symbolism of Shri or Sri/
This essay is about the meaning, significance and symbolism of the sacred syllable Shri (or Sri) in Hinduism and its hidden connection with Hri.
Should the Puranas be Considered Mythology?
This essay is about the myth and mythology in Hinduism and whether the Hindu Puranas should be considered mythology.
Nine Significant Facts about Shiva
Find here nine important facts about Lord Shiva in Saivism and popular Hinduism
Niti and Niyama, the Morality and Ethics of Hinduism
This essay provides comprehensive information on the importance of virtue, ethical conduct, morality and righteousness (dharma) in Hinduism.
Suddhi, Purity and Cleanliness in Hinduism
This is a comprehensive essay on the ritual and spiritual importance of purity and cleanliness in Hinduism, the various types of impurities that afflict the mind and the body and their purification (suddhi)
Does God Possess a Specific Name and Form?
This essay is about how Brahman (God) should be worshipped or approached, and whether he has a specific name and form.
The Concept of Astika (Existence) in Hinduism
The essay is about the meaning and concept of Astika, with a brief explanation of different Astika schools of Hinduism
Cognitive Errors and Biases in Everyday Life
This essay is about identifying and overcoming cognitive errors and biases which effect our daily thinking and problem solving so that we can make better choices and avoid making mistakes.
Holographic Principle and Advaita Vedanta
In this essay the author discusses the Holographic Principle or the idea that the universe is a hologram projected by a black hole and its correlation with the Advaita Vedanta of Hinduism.
Find a Purpose. Use Your Potentials. A Lesson From the Bhagavadgita
Here is an important lesson to learn from the Bhagavadgita. Find out.
Is Puja a Legitimate Form Of Divine Worship?
This essay is about the types of divine worship in Hinduism with specific reference to puja and which worship is the best
Symbolic Significance of Ramayana
This essay describes the symbolism and significance of the epic Ramayana and its main characters.
Come Sit With Us - A Prayer For Auspiciousness
A Prayer for auspiciousness, purity blessings and awakening by Jayaram V
Why to Worship An Indifferent God?
This essay examines the justification to worship an indifferent and disinterested God with devotion if he is equal to all and favors none
Five Incredible Facts about the Earth You Would Probably Not Bother to Think
Find here five Incredible Facts about the Earth You Would Probably Not Bother to Think.
Ten Signs That a Guru Is a Fraud or a Fake
There are many fake spiritual gurus in today's world. This essay lists ten important characteristics or signs of a fake spiritual guru people should be aware of
Love at First Sight and First Impressions
The essay suggests the reasons or the psychological and spiritual factors behinds love at first sight and first impressions, and how people should deal with them.
Psychedelic Drugs and Spirituality, The Traditional Perspective
This essay explores the possible connection between psychedelic drugs and spiritual or mystic experiences according to the ethical practices of Hinduism and Buddhism.
A Simple Formula To Achieve Success
In this essay, the author suggests a simple and straightforward approach to achieve success in any field or project.
Ashtavakra Samhita - Chapter 2, Verse 24
Original Translation and Commentary of the Ashtavakra Gita or Samhita by Jayaram V., which contains the Advaita Philosophy. Presented here as a continuing Series.
Jhana, The Rapturous State of Stillness in Buddhist Meditation Practice
This is a comprehensive essay on Buddhist Jhanas, the meditative states experienced by the Buddhist monks during their practice of Right Concentration on the Eightfold Path
Is Buddhism a Spiritual Religion?
Buddhism is an unconventional religion. Find out whether it can truly be considered a spiritual religion or a materialistic religion.
Spirituality and Self-transformation
The Upanishads emphasize the importance of Self-transformation or Self-purification in spiritual practice for Moksha or liberation. This essay explains why it important.
Parinama Vada or the Law of Causation in Hinduism
In this essay we discuss Parinama Vada, the law of causation or cause and effect, which is an important aspect of Hinduism and Hindu speculative philosophies
This essays is about cultivating Equanimity with the Help of Emotions.
Why Do We Worship Stone Idols?
Hindus ritually worship images made of stone and other materials. Is the practice of idol worship or image worship justified in Hinduism? Find out.
This essay is about the significance of Yamas and Niyamas in the Ashtanga Yoga of Patanjali
Essential Aspects of Hindu Way of Life
What do we mean when we say Hinduism is a way of life? How is it different from other religions? Find out.
Detachment For Freedom and Happiness
This essay is about cultivating detachment for greater freedom and happiness by understanding your attachments and motivation
Symbolism of the Human Body in Hinduism
The archetypal meaning, cultural significance and symbolism of the human body in Hinduism
Symbolism of Hindu Concepts, Gods and Goddesses
This is a brief overview of the symbolism in the concepts, gods and goddesses of Hinduism
Essential Guide to Fasting For Hindus
The essay is about guidelines or observances for Fasting for devout Hindus.
The Best Response to Criticism
How do you respond to criticism? The essay suggests a positive approach to use criticism to know others and improve relationships
Ganesha As Mahat Tattva, Supreme Intelligence
This essay explains the hidden symbolism and significance of Ganesha in the human body and in creation as the son of Shiva and Parvathi.
Why is Ganesha the Leader of Gods?
This essay explains the hidden truth in the legend of how Ganesha became the leader of Gods in the Hindu pantheon.
Karma Doctrine in Hinduism and Buddhism
The essay is a comparative study of the similarities and differences in the karma doctrine of Hinduism and Buddhism
Anatta and Rebirth in Buddhism
This essay explains the process of rebirth, reincarnation or transmigration in the context of Anatta or the Not Self concept of Buddhism.
Types of Knowledge or Jnana in Hinduism
This essay deals with the broad divisions of knowledge in Hinduism and their importance in Hindu ritual and spiritual practices.
Understanding Karma From A Buddhist Perspective
This essay is about understanding the working of karma in daily life from a Buddhist perspective to cultivate discernment with mindfulness on the Eightfold Path.
Awakening and Enlightnment in Buddhism on the Path to Nirvana
In this essay, we present the meaning and significance of awakening in Buddhism which lead to the discerning wisdom, insightful awareness, meditative absorption (Samadhi) and Nirvana.
The Complexity of Knowing Hinduism
This essay is about the problem of understanding Hinduism because of its diversity and complexity due to historical reasons.
The Resurrection of the Dead in Hinduism
This essay is about the concept of resurrection of the dead and whether it exists in any form in Hinduism
Hindu Rituals and Practices for Worldly People
The complexity of Hindu rituals is explained. Know the types of Hindu rituals and their importance in the ritual and spiritual practices of Hinduism
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