Sacred Texts and Scriptures - Hinduwebsite.com
In this section we have presented translations of many
ancient scriptures of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism, Zoroastrianism
and other eastern religions. These are the reproductions of the works done
by many eminent scholars in the past, which we are currently available in
the public domain according to the Berne Convention. This section will help
our readers to understand the depth of ancient wisdom and philosophical
thought contained in these scriptures. By reproducing these scriptures which
are in public domain we believe that we have not violated any copyright
laws. If any one reports to us of any possible violation, we will examine
the issue and remove any information that may be infringing upon the copyright
of any individual or organization. Some of these texts contain huge volume
of information. It may take awhile for them to download completely, if you
are using older versions of browsers or modems with low transfer capacity.
In this section you will find some very interesting and informative books
on Hinduism and related religions.
Hinduism Scriptures
English translation of the four Vedas, major and minor
Upanishads, Dharmashastras or Hindu law books, Bhagavadgita,
Puranas, Tantric texts, Yoga Texts, the epics Ramayana
and Mahabharata and some miscellaneous texts.
Buddhism Scriptures
of the Buddhist Gospel, the Buddhist Bible, Buddha the
Word, Dhammapada, Amitabha, Record of Fahien's travels
to India, ancient Chinese and Japanese texts on Zen,
Buddhist Sutras and many other texts on various schools
of Buddhism.
Jainism Scriptures
translation of the Akaranga Sutra translated from Prakrit,
Kalpa sutra, A Treatise on Jainism by Shri Jayantilal
Sanghvi and several articles and essays on the philosophy
and practice of Jainism.
Sikhism Scriptures
translation of the Guru Granth Sahib or Adi Granth,
the sacred text of Sikhism, with an introduction. Sikh
Religion and its Gurus, Volume 1, Life of Guru Nanak,
and fragments of sacred poems.
Zoroastrian Texts
of Zend Avesta in three parts, Pahlavi texts such as
the Bundahishn, Shayest Na-Shayest, Sad Dar, Dadestan,
Fargard, Menog, and The Yatkar-I-Zariran Or the Memoirs
Of Zarir.
Spiritual Texts
on Yoga, meditation, psychic power, occultism, mysticism,
historical Christianity, essays and writings of Sri
Aurobindo and Mother, ancient history, spiritual subjects
and more.
Self-help Texts
here popular self-help classics like he Art of Money
Getting or Golden Rules for Making Money,, Master Key
System by Charles F. Hannel, The Secret of the Ages
by Robert Collier.
Taoism Texts
suggests the effortless way to experience peace. Find
here the complete translation Tao-te Ching by Lao-tzu,
containing the essential philosophy of Taoism, translation
by J. Legge.
Vedas & Upanishads
The Vedas
and the Upanishads form the heart of Hinduism. The Vedas
are considered inviolable, while the Upanishads contain
profound philosophy. Find here translation of the Four
Vedas and several major Upanishads.
Devotional Texts
or Bhakti is considered the best and the most effective
way to find salvation. These texts contain the devotional
fervor and most sublime emotions that take you closer
to your heart as well as your personal deity.
Yoga Texts
has a long and deep connection with India and all Indian
religions. Classical Yoga of Patanjali is part of Hinduism.
This section contains the translations of Yoga Sutras,
Kapila Sutras, Yoga Vashista, Science of Yoga and other
texts on Yoga.
Tantra Texts
recommends the use of the mind and body and their potencies
to achieve liberation. It has been an integral part
of Hinduism and Buddhism. Find here some important texts
on Tantra, Kundalini and related subjects.
Confucian Texts
was an ancient Chinese philosopher who played an important
role in shaping Chinese philosophy and culture. Find
here four important works that are traditionally attributed
to Confucius K'ung-tzu, 551-479 B.C.
Online E-Texts
here a vast collection on free online EBooks, Electronic
and Digital texts (E-texts) arranged in various categories,
including poetry, philosophy and literature. It is a
good resource for self-study and research.